Water Filtration Project in Faisalabad, Punjab Pakistan.
Provide clean & accessible drinking to a remote area in Faisalabad, Punjab Pakistan.

“The poor and needy search for water but there is none their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the Lord will answer them” Isaiah 41:17
The Cause: To Build a basic water filtration plant in a remote area of Faisalabad ,Punjab Pakistan.
The Need: The statistics are devastating 16 millions people in Pakistan don’t have access to safe water, whilst 68 million people don’t have access to adequate sanitation in Pakistan. Water is life but when is unsafe , it can kill.
At least 40,000 children die every year from diarrhea cause by unsafe water in the country. water -borne diseases and illnesses are also wide spread.
In Faisalabad, Punjab there is currently a few options that people face with water:
  • those who can afford it ( extremely limited in number) , buy water bottles
  • Use hand pump ( more often than not these are built without any water testing,meaning the water people drink may be harmful).
  • People have electric motors in their homes which pumps water from the ground but this is still unsafe to drink.
The Solution: To counter the current situation, we have decided to build a basic water filtration plant on the area which will be the first and only plant within the local area.It will be accessible to local villages surrounding the area as well as the population in the local vicinity.
The Plant will help to provide clean and safe drinking water, as well as improved conditions for sanitation and hygiene.This will help to decrease the incidence of many common diseases including bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis and typhoid fever.
For the people living in the area and surrounding areas the implementation of this project will not only brings the local communities immediate FREE access to clean water, but also self-sufficiency in water sanitation for years to come BY THE GRACE OF GOD this project will mean lifeline to the people who continually to suffer from waterborne diseases and have to continually seek expensive medical care when families are not riddled by illness, children are able to attain previously unimaginable goals.
We have one water pump and water tank now but if we have two water tanks and water pump so our electric bill 50% less than now.
Two Water Pump Two Water Tanks  900 € one time need.600 € one time need.  1500€ one time need. 
Rental Shop for Setup   80 Euros/Monthly   80 x 12 = 960
 Two Workers  280 Euros/Monthly 280x 12 = 3360
 Electricity Bills  250 Euros/ Monthly 250 x 12 = 3000

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